We Are Updating Our Review Policy!

Note: Before we begin with today’s post, we are excited to announce that we are considering implementing an email newsletter - allowing you a new way to interact with our content. We would like your feedback on what content should be provided to email subscribers, please click here to quickly take a survey and give us your opinion.

As our channel grows, we want to ensure that content is more accessible and easily understandable to all audiences - after all, bringing technology to everyone is Mitchell Millennial’s very purpose. To ensure this, we are implementing a long overdue change to how our reviews are formatted, hoping that our content lead you to smarter purchasing decisions.

This review system will focus on four key elements of the headphone listening experience, and will allow for a certain amount of points that when added up, will allow us to more accurately tell you whether a product is worth your money!

Build Quality and Materials (5 points)

The build quality of a pair of headphones can go a long way towards its overall usability. This category measures how durable and premium the overall construction of the headphones and their case are. A high score on this category indicates a device that won’t unexpectedly break when you most need it.

Sound (5 points)

Considered the most important feature for some, sound is perhaps the feature you will most often observe whenever using your earbuds. Measured in comparison to other wireless earbuds, a high score on this category indicates a reliable audio experience needless of the genre you may listen to.

Features (5 points)

This category measures how much the earbuds are offering as an overall package. Examples of features could include Advanced codec, active noise cancellation, wireless charging, USB C and others. A high score on this section indicates a complete package that will have something for just about everyone.

Design and UX (10 points)

Whilst audio is what many would argue is the most important category when choosing truly wireless earbuds, we believe that convenience is what makes many leave the wire world. To measure this, this category is worth twice the point as all other categories - allowing us more room to accurately reflect on how well a earbud’s design and user experience are in a day to day setting. A high score on this category means that the headphones you are buying is a joy to use - offering you everything you may need with ease.

What do you think of these changes? Let us know in the comment section below!

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